לוגו מרכז גוף-נפש

Mindfulness Basic Course in English | Muli Glezer

בהנחיית: Muli Glezer
תאריך הפתיחה הקרוב: 12/05/2019
מספר מפגשים: 8

השאירו פרטיכם ונחזור אליכם בהקדם:

תקציר הקורס

Mindfulness practice and training

Many scientific studies from recent years have shown that attention or awareness can be developed and cultivated. This can be done through various exercises and tools from the Buddhist tradition, that came to the West under the name Mindfulness.

מידע מלא: Mindfulness Basic Course in English | Muli Glezer

Research also shows how Mindfulness can be very beneficial to us in our daily lives. Mindfulness has a positive influence on the functioning and structure of certain areas of the brain related to emotional stability, concentration, attention, creative thinking, problem-solving, dealing with difficult emotions, and reducing tension, depression and anxiety. Positive qualities such as self-confidence, inner peace, joy, empathy and compassion are strengthened.

Physically, mindfulness can lead to an improvement in physical functions negatively affected by stress, such as: immune system, sleep, pain, digestion, blood pressure and body ageing processes.

About the course

This is a practical course of 8 weekly sessions, designed to teach participants how to practice Mindfulness meditation correctly and independently in everyday life, both during the course and after its ending.

  • We will learn how to develop attention to our personal experiences from moment to moment with more acceptance and less judgment and inner struggle.
  • We will learn how to practice Mindfulness meditation in the sitting position (Either on a chair or a cushion) and in our daily activities.
  • We will learn how to become more aware of our body, breath, sensations, senses, thoughts and emotions – from moment to moment.
  • We will learn some of the theory behind the training in Mindfulness in a way that supports the practice (mainly from the Buddhist philosophy, and a bit from Brain science and Positive Psychology).
  • We will discuss and deeply inquire into our meditative experiences and learn from each other.
  • We will identify the inner forces that contribute to stress and how we can create an inner space that promotes clarity, focus, serenity, and wisdom.
  • We will develop, internalize and apply the insights from practice into work and personal relationships, especially in regard to stressful and difficult situations.
  • The course is also an opportunity to meet like-minded people, interested in the Mindfulness practice and its benefits.
  • Developing a daily practice at home is a key aspect of the training. Participants will be invited and encouraged to devote 30-45 minutes to sitting at home every day to increase the effectiveness of practice.
בהנחיית: Muli Glezer
מולי גלזר

Since 2000 he has been practicing meditation in Buddhist monasteries and meditation centers in Asia, Israel, and other countries. He has been teaching since 2012 with Amutat Tovana and other organizations (worked with prisoners, students, executives in business organizations and more). Completed the MBSR teacher training (at IDC, Herzliya). Founded the Dharma Hill center near Tel-Aviv. He holds degrees in law, economics and an MBA, and is certified as a lawyer. Has been involved in the fields of business and marketing strategy, business development and management consulting. Born in 1969, lives with his wife and two daughters in Tel Aviv.

השאירו פרטיכם ונחזור אליכם בהקדם:

קורסים נוספים בהנחיית Muli Glezer

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